A Travellerspoint blog

July 2, 2011

sunny 90 °F
View Italy on Lizzy001's travel map.

     Today we leave back to San Remo after two very busy weeks. Working with Italian children took every last bit of patience I had. I've never seen such badly behaved children. Of course, it could have been the language barrier. They most likely thought I was stupid because I didn't speak the language. The look of shock on the last day of the camp when I told them (in Italian) that I spoke Italian and understood every single thing they said was priceless. The overall experience was great. 
     I worked with an amazing team of people, and my host family was caring and fantastic. When getting on the train, the mom and older daughter cried. I was very honored at being a part of their household. Besides my family, and my husband, I have never lived with anyone else. They made the transition easy. They were patient with my difficulties in understanding them and them understanding me, but at the end of the two weeks I have learned a lot of expressions and phrases. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for accepting me in their everyday rituals.
     About four days ago we got an email from the company I am working for asking me if my husband and I would like to take a two week break between camps, since we were suppose to do three of them. They had over booked tutors and the tutor coordinator thought of us. Hell yeah we want to take a two week break. So off we go back to San Remo.

Posted by Lizzy001 15:28 Archived in Italy Tagged sunsets_and_sunrises mountains beaches churches people backpack english backpacking blog bussara

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